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acupuncture in Smithtown NY


Frequently Asked Questions

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Yolanda's stands out for its personalized therapies, incorporating diverse modalities like cupping, gua sha, and herbal therapy. We prioritize your individual needs, ensuring a tailored approach to well-being.

Our massage services cater to various needs, including stress relief, injury rehabilitation, and targeted healing. Modalities such as deep tissue, cupping, and acupressure are customized for a rejuvenating experience.

Certainly! E-stim therapy utilizes gentle electrical pulses to stimulate muscles and nerves, promoting faster recovery and pain relief. Cupping employs suction cups to alleviate muscle tension, improve blood circulation, leaving you feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Yolanda tailors medical massage treatments to address concerns like muscle tension, back pain, or sciatica. Each session is personalized for lasting relief and relaxation.

We believe in the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit. Our services extend beyond massage to herbal therapy, harnessing plant wisdom for natural healing and promoting overall health, well-being, and harmony.